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Corporate Finance Recruitment

Corporate finance recruitment is continuous and on-going service from our PE/CV practice, since most of our PE/VC clients invest portfolio companies which our clients focus on sourcing Pre-IPO or M&A project to make profit by the portfolio companies after the listing of substantial growth estimation to obtain investment income.

Human resources, financial and legal risk are the three key factors in the healthy growth of a company; therefore our practice of corporate finance covers HR, staffing, finance, accounting, treasury, internal audit, risk control, legal and compliance.

Corporate finance professionals are responsible for managing a business's money-forecasting where it will come from, knowing where it is, and helping its managers decide how to spend it in ways that will ensure the greatest return. They pore over spreadsheets that detail cash flow, profitability, and expenses. They look for ways to free up capital, increase profitability, and decrease expenses. They'll look at the best growth path for the company, whether that's through acquiring other companies or re-investing in the business to expand internally.

And our practice of Corporate Finance is seeking key players and offers the right fit-in opportunities.

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