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Specialized, Strengths, Specialists

Angstrom International strives to be the best, rather than the biggest or the most visible. Our target is to be the most professional “quality” career consultants, rather than the “quantity” headhunters. To accomplish this goal, we rely on three success factors to guide our business strategy, behavior and relationships.

                         Our brand value defines our behavior

     -  Our consultants are Specialized in different industries of Finance, either in the primary market, e.g., private equity, investment banking and trust, or in the secondary market, e.g., mutual fund, asset management and securities, and also in other finance areas such as the corporate banking, commercial banking, retail banking.
     -  We are keen on sharing a variety of functional Strengths of career counseling, industrial knowledge and recruitment experience with both our clients and candidates.
     -  We target Specialists in their relative expertise and industries to help develop their long term career goal and road to success.
We understand our clients and candidates have their unique needs, this is the reason we assign clients holders and candidate holders to better service our clients and candidates respectively. Our client holders have professional client expertise and long service experience with financial institutions. And our candidate holders assist our candidates in developing career goal and plans by advising on suitable career path, capability improvement, career decision and change management.


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