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Job details
Job Name: PRC-H18-某国际知名外资银行-SH-Cash Management Team Leader
Specialty: Bank
Function: Cash Management Team Leader
Location: Shanghai
Salary: 21K-50K/M


1. Individually achieve daily average deposit balance from self developed clients, and lead SH cash sales team to achieve daily average deposit balance from self develop clients.

2. Incremental NBI contribution from fee income or deposit revenue of about ten thousands and lead SH cash team to generate overall NBI from self developed in 2013.

3. At least 5 new E-banking clients per month and at least 15 new E-banking clients on quarterly basis (Either within existing clients or within new client).

4. Follow up RMs for the newly pitched deals and pursuit cash opportunities.

5. 2 Cash Management proposals per month (Include both proposal to RFP and proposal to RFI).

6. 10 client calls in line with client visits per month.

7. Comply with Code of Conduct as well as other applicable laws and local regulations; internal policies, compliance rules and procedures; and permanent supervision requirement relevant to the job.

8. Take responsibility to report any incidents and suspicious cases. Maintain a high level of personal integrity and uphold the bank’s ethical standard both in professional activities and personal conduct.

9. Lead cash management shanghai team to smoothly deliver the cash product to clients, maintain, monitor and support implementation and client service rep for the cash deal pipeline.

10. Weekly cash team meeting is to be held and arranged by team leader to review the cash deal pipeline including new deals acquisition from cash sales, deal implementation status update from implementation and client activity updates from client service rep.

Candidates who are interested in this position, please send your update English and Chinese resume

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