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Job details
Job Name: PRC-B29-某知名外资银行-Internal Audit and Compliance-VP
Specialty: Bank
Function: Audit and Compliance-VP
Location: Shanghai
Salary: Negotiable


1. Plan and conduct audit assignments and Prepare audit documentation within the prescribed resources and time frame.

2. Assist the auditees to maintain effective controls; Follow up on the auditees’ corrective actions to recommendations.

3. Perform such ad-hoc job assignments and administrative tasks.

4. Timely inform the management and the Group Head of Internal Audit Department of changes of regulations, important events, and share the information among the other staff.

5. Maintain a harmonious and cooperative relationship with the auditees; strengthen the working relationship with local regulators and external auditors. (M2) collaborate closely with the other staff members of Internal Audit Department .

6. Initiate self-improvements to process or obtain the knowledge, skills, and other competencies.

7. Challenge credit reviews under supervision of the management and the Group Head of Internal Audit Department.



1. Enough working experience of audits and/or banking operations. And skill for audit planning;

2. Audit-related knowledge as required to pass such examinations as CIA, CISA, etc;

3. Banking operations, products and related risk &controls;

4. Laws and regulations related to the banking business in the Chinese mainland and communication skill for the regulatory bodies;

5. Professional and Good Communication Skills in English.

Candidates who are interested in this position, please send your update English and Chinese resume to:
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